Jan 26th - Phidgets Chapter MeetingOn January 26th at 7:30 pm, CSTA Susquehanna Valley is hosting a Phidgets night. Learn how to intergrate USB hardware into your computer programming courses. Phidgets is constantly growing and expanding and will shortly also feature Scratch coding and web-based coding. |
PA's Computer Science for All Summit 2022![]() Do you plan to attend June's PA CS for All Summit? Held June 22nd and 23rd, this Summit brings together Computer Science educators and leaders from across the the state to share great ideas and resources with you! Look for us! CSTA Susquehanna Valley Leadership plans to be there and host a lunch and learn table...come visit us to say hello!! Participants will:
February Meeting Minutes![]() At our meeting on February 24th, we discussed future ideas for CSTA Susquehanna Valley as well as the CS Praxis, AP Computer Science A, and Computational Thinking. |
February Chapter Meeting Date![]() Join us for our second chapter meeting on February, 24, 2021. Register via the event link. |
January Chapter Meeting Minutes![]() At our first inaugural meeting, we shared a variety of resources and insight regarding the CS Praxis exam and the new PA 7-12 CS Certification requirements. |
First Meeting Date!![]() CSTA Susquehanna Valley is excited to announce that our first member meeting will be on January 28th, at 7:30 pm. |
A new PA Chapter!![]() Hello, World! (and Central PA). CSTA Susquehanna Valley is pleased to announce that we may begin as an official chapter of CSTA. We are a group of educators dedicated to the advancement of computer science education in the Central PA region. Our goals are to unite teachers in this area together, to share, collaborate, learn and grow, and to advocate for computer science education within our state. |